List Filedownloads

This API is used to list all file downloads service under this customer.

1. Request Definition

  • API URL{customerId}/filedownloads
  • Request Method
  • Request Header

Refer to HTTP Request Headers

  • Request Body
No request Body for this API.

2. Response Definition

  • Response Header

Refer to HTTP Response Headers

  • Response Body
Field Type Description
id int Service ID number.
name string Domain name.
customerId int Customer Id
originUrl string IP or domain name of origin server.
deliveryDomain string CName domain that the domain name has to point to.
active boolean To indicate if service is enabled or disabled. true: Enabled, false: Disabled. Default is true.
originAccountId int FTP Account id.
webDavUrl string Webdav access URL.
deliveryEndpoint string Delivery endpoint uri.
diskUsage int Disk usage in byte unit.
redirectHttpToHttps boolean Whether redirect all plain HTTP requests to https. true: Enabled, false: Disabled. Default is false.
  • Response Body Example
        "id": 201,
        "name": "lfdvod1",
        "customerId": 11,
        "originUrl": "",
        "deliveryDomain": "",
        "active": true,
        "originAccountId": 123,
        "webDavUrl": "",
        "deliveryEndpoint": "",
        "diskUsage": 0,
        "id": 202,
        "name": "",
        "customerId": 11,
        "originUrl": "",
        "deliveryDomain": "",
        "active": false,
        "originAccountId": 124,
        "webDavUrl": "",
        "deliveryEndpoint": "",
        "diskUsage": 0
           Updated 2021-10-26 03:05:56

results matching ""

    No results matching ""