Errors Definition

It will list error codes for APIs.

Http Status Code Error Code Error Message
400 DomainName.Invalid Domain name is empty or invalid.
400 StartTime.Invalid StartTime is empty or is invalid.
400 EndTime.Invalid EndTime is empty or is invalid.
400 EndTime.Mismatch EndTime cannot be earlier than StartTime.
400 StartTime.ValueNotSupported The difference between EndTime and StartTime cannot exceed 24 hours.
401 AccessCredential.Unauthorized Failed to authorize access credential and signature.
500 InternalServer.Error Internal server error.
404 Request.NotFound The request can not be found.
405 Request.MethodNotAllowed The method of this request is not allowed.
406 Request.NotAcceptable Request can not be acceptable.
400 Request.RequiredParameterNotPresent Request parameter is not present.
400 Request.ParameterTypeIncorrect Request parameter type is incorrect.
400 Request.BadRequest Bad request.
404 InvalidObject.ItemNotFound Item can not be found.
400 InvalidCustomer.Empty Customer can not be empty.
400 InvalidCustomer.IdEmpty Customer id can not be empty.
404 InvalidCustomer.NotFound Customer can not be found.
400 InvalidCustomer.NameEmpty Customer name can not be empty.
400 InvalidCustomer.ActionEmpty Customer's action can not be empty.
400 InvalidCustomer.ActionIncorrect Customer's action is incorrect.
500 InvalidCustomer.DuplicatedCustomer Customer is duplicated.
400 InvalidCustomer.ParentIdNotFound Customer parent id can not be found.
500 InvalidCustomer.ParentEntityIdNotMatch Customer parent entity id does not match.
500 InvalidCustomer.DuplicatedShortName Customer short name is duplicated.
500 InvalidCustomer.ProvisionIncorrect There's a problem with customer provisioning, please contact administrator to fix issue.
500 InvalidPolicy.Empty Access control can not be empty.
400 InvalidPolicy.PropertyIdIncorrect Policy's property id is incorrect.
400 InvalidPolicy.PolicyIdIncorrect Policy id is incorrect.
400 InvalidPolicy.NameEmpty Policy name can not be empty.
400 InvalidPolicy.NameEmpty Policy url can not be empty.
400 InvalidPolicy.NameEmpty Policy match type can not be empty.
400 InvalidPolicy.NameEmpty Policy type can not be empty.
400 InvalidPolicy.StatusCodeInCorrect Policy status code is incorrect.
400 InvalidPolicy.RedirectionURLEmpty Policy redirection URL is empty.
400 InvalidService.IdIncorrect Service id is incorrect.
400 InvalidService.FTPPasswordIncorrect FTP password is incorrect.
400 InvalidService.TypeIncorrect Service type is incorrect.
400 InvalidService.OriginProtocolIncorrect Http protocol could be either http or https.
404 InvalidService.NotFound Service can not be found.
400 InvalidPrefetch.IdIncorrect Prefetch id is incorrect.
404 InvalidEntity.NotFound Entity can not be found.
400 InvalidService.Empty Service cannot be empty.
400 InvalidService.FieldIncorrect Service fields are incorrect.
500 InvalidService.WsaNotProvisioned Sorry ,website acceleration service has not provisioned. Please contact to add website edge service.
500 InvalidService.LfdNotProvisioned Sorry, file download service has not provisioned. Please contact to add largefilecollection origin and edge service.
400 InvalidInvalidation.Empty Invalidation cannot be empty.
500 InvalidPrefetch.BatchSizeOverload Prefetch urls batch size is overloaded, please reduce batch size and try again.
400 Certificate.Empty Certificate could not be empty.
400 Certificate.NameEmpty Certificate name could not be empty.
400 Certificate.NameInCorrect Certificate name can only contains: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ., _, -, *, and maximum is 255.
400 Certificate.NameDuplicated Certificate name has already been taken, please try another one.
400 Certificate.BodyEmpty Certificate body could not be empty.
400 Certificate.PrivateKeyEmpty Certificate private key could not be empty.
400 Certificate.TypeIncorrect Certificate type is incorrect.
404 Certificate.NotFound Certificate could not be found.
500 Attachment.Error Failed to attach certificate to the service.
403 AccessCredential.Unauthorized Failed to authorize access credential and signature.
404 Service.NotFound Service can not be found or unknown.
404 Certificate.NotFound Certificate can not be found.
400 RequestBody.SyntaxError Request body in json format can not be parsed.
400 Time.Invalid StartTime or EndTime is empty or is invalid.
429 ratelimit Example: 10 requests are allowed for property '225476' per 0:01:00; 0 already made.
           Updated 2020-11-04 05:59:05

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