Get Volume

This API is used to get volume data with 5 minutes or one day data sample.

1. Request Definition

  • Request Method
  • Request Header

Refer to HTTP Request Headers

  • Request Body

Request Body Data Format: JSON

Field Required Type Description
domains Mandatory string[] Array of domain names, the max array size is 50.
startTime Mandatory string Start time. Format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ UTC time.
endTime Mandatory string End time. Format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ UTC time. If interval is "minute", interval between start time and end time cannot be longer than 24 hours. If interval is "day", interval between start time and end time cannot be longer than 90 days.
fillFixedTime Optional boolean Boolean value if need to fill in zero value for empty data. Values: true or false. Default value: false.
interval Optional string Interval of data spot, could be "minute", "day". For "minute", data spot is for 5 minutes, and for "day", data spot is one day. Default is "minute".
  • Request Body Example
    "domains": [
    "startTime": "2018-03-29T17:35:00Z",
    "endTime": "2018-03-29T17:45:00Z",
    "fillFixedTime": "false",
    "interval": "minute"

2. Response Definition

  • Response Header

Refer to HTTP Response Headers

  • Response Body
Field Type Description
domain string Name of domain.
volumes Volume[] List of volume data with 5 minutes interval.
Volume Definition
timestamp string Format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ UTC time. E.g. 2018-03-29T17:35:00Z will return data from 2018-03-29T17:35:00Z to 2018-03-29T17:39:59Z.
value long Volume data within 5 minutes. Format will be like 32342331.
  • Response Body Example
        "domain": "",
        "volumes": [
                "timestamp": "2018-03-29T17:35:00Z",
                "value": 32342331
        "domain": "",
        "volumes": [
                "timestamp": "2018-03-29T17:35:00Z",
                "value": 32342331
           Updated 2023-03-29 05:43:32

results matching ""

    No results matching ""