Get Hit Request Number

This API is used to get request hit rate with 5 minutes data sample.

1. Request Definition

  • Request Method
  • Request Header

Refer to HTTP Request Headers

  • Request Body

Request Body Data Format: JSON

Field Required Type Description
domains Mandatory string[] Array of domain names, the max array size is 50.
startTime Mandatory string Start time. Format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ UTC time.
endTime Mandatory string End time. Format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ UTC time. Interval between start time and end time cannot be longer than 24 hours.
  • Request Body Example
    "domains": [
    "startTime": "2018-03-29T17:35:00Z",
    "endTime": "2018-03-29T17:45:00Z"

2. Response Definition

  • Response Header

Refer to HTTP Response Headers

  • Response Body
Field Type Description
domain string Name of domain.
hitReqNumbers HitReqNumber[] List of hit request number data.
HitReqNumber Definition
timestamp string Format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ UTC time. E.g. 2018-03-29T17:35:00Z will return data from 2018-03-29T17:35:00Z to 2018-03-29T17:39:59Z.
request long Number of requests in 5 minutes, format will be like 231343.
hit long Number of hit requests in 5 minutes, format will be like 221233.
  • Response Body Example
        "domain": "",
        " hitReqNumbers": [
                "timestamp": "2018-03-29T17:35:00Z",
                "request": 231343,
                "hit": 221233
        "domain": "",
        " hitReqNumbers": [
                "timestamp": "2018-03-29T17:35:00Z",
                "request": 231343,
                "hit": 221233
           Updated 2023-04-19 08:25:10

results matching ""

    No results matching ""