Create Access Control V3

This API is used to create access control for website acceleration or file download service.

1. Request Definition

  • API URL{serviceId}/access_controls
  • Request Method
  • Request Header

Refer to HTTP Request Headers

  • Request Body

Request Body Data Format: JSON

Field Required Type Description
name Mandatory string Policy name for access control.
type Mandatory string Access control type, could be "allow", "deny" or "token".
matchUrlPath Mandatory PolicyMatchVO URL path match rule.
matchQueryString Optional PolicyMatchVO Query string match rule.
priority Optional int Priority weight of access control policy. policy with bigger weight will have higher priority, weight value can not be zero.
subnet Optional string Comma-separated list of ips/networks.Only requests from these subnets are allowed, other requests will be rejected with 403 Forbidden response. Examples:,
location Optional string Comma-separated list of geographic locations to be matched. Each location should be specified as a 2-letter ISO3166 code. E.g "SG,GB".
anonymousIP Optional boolean Set true to apply for anonymous IP, set false to apply for non anonymous IP.
enabled Optional boolean Flag defining if policy is active or no. default: true.
PolicyMatchVO Definition
operator Mandatory string Defines how to match the field. Supported values:prefix,regex,equals,suffix.
patterns Mandatory string[] List of patterns to match what against. If any of the patterns matches then the match succeeds.

Field tokenSecret is only for type "token". And "allow", "deny" don't need this field.

Field Required Type Description
tokenSecret Mandatory string Comma-separated list of tokens.Each token should have 64 characters,Each character must be numeric or lowercase letter. E.g "qjzw8z2c306hwqqg7pkl0po1k1afqljf4oxcbxv511wds50j56y5qyh1f2i8wi9b, 5i70op0gqbvvfbz6r8qosn0qkxsxcxavqy7xs2heoomhtt7n3bmtwye6qme5jxwu"

For the tokenSecret algorithm, please refer to TokenSecret Authentication

  • Request Body Example
    "name": "ac1001",
    "type": "token",
    "matchUrlPath": {"operator":"prefix","patterns":["/"]},
    "matchQueryString": {"operator":"prefix","patterns":["name1=1","name2=2"]},
    "priority": 10,
    "subnet": ",",
    "location": "SG,CN",
    "tokenSecret":"qjzw8z2c306hwqqg7pkl0po1k1afqljf4oxcbxv511wds50j56y5qyh1f2i8wi9b, 5i70op0gqbvvfbz6r8qosn0qkxsxcxavqy7xs2heoomhtt7n3bmtwye6qme5jxwu"

2. Response Definition

  • Response Header

Refer to HTTP Response Headers

  • Response Body
Field Type Description
id int Policy ID number for access control.
name string Policy name for access control.
type string Access control type, could be "allow", "deny" or "token".
matchUrlPath PolicyMatchVO URL path match rule.
matchQueryString PolicyMatchVO Query string match rule.
priority int Priority weight of access control policy. policy with bigger weight will have higher priority, weight value can not be zero.
subnet string Comma-separated list of ips/networks.Only requests from these subnets are allowed, other requests will be rejected with 403 Forbidden response. Examples:,
location string Comma-separated list of geographic locations to be matched. Each location should be specified as a 2-letter ISO3166 code. E.g "SG,GB".
tokenSecret string Comma-separated list of tokens.Each token should have 64 characters, Each character must be numeric or lowercase letter. E.g "qjzw8z2c306hwqqg7pkl0po1k1afqljf4oxcbxv511wds50j56y5qyh1f2i8wi9b,5i70op0gqbvvfbz6r8qosn0qkxsxcxavqy7xs2heoomhtt7n3bmtwye6qme5jxwu"
enabled boolean Flag defining if policy is active or no.
PolicyMatchVO Definition
operator string Defines how to match the field. Supported values:prefix,regex,equals,suffix.
patterns string[] List of patterns to match what against. If any of the patterns matches then the match succeeds.
  • Response Body Example
    "id": 1001,
    "name": "ac1001",
    "type": "token",
    "matchUrlPath": {"operator":"prefix","patterns":["/"]},
    "matchQueryString": {"operator":"prefix","patterns":["name1=1","name2=2"]},
    "priority": 10,
    "subnet": ",",
    "location": "SG,CN",
    "tokenSecret":"qjzw8z2c306hwqqg7pkl0po1k1afqljf4oxcbxv511wds50j56y5qyh1f2i8wi9b, 5i70op0gqbvvfbz6r8qosn0qkxsxcxavqy7xs2heoomhtt7n3bmtwye6qme5jxwu"
           Updated 2024-12-19 05:55:33

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