CDN Release Notes

Apr 1, 2024 Changes


  • Supported Multi-Matches for all policy management include Access Control/Cache Contorl/Redirect Policy.
  • Now support match by multi patterns, like ['.jpg','.png','*.jpeg'], If any of the patterns matches then the policy match succeeds.
  • Now support both URL Path Match(mandatory) and QueryString match(optional).
  • Multi-Match OpenAPI is new feature for V3 policy management APIs, and V2 APIs is backward compatible.


Feb 26, 2024 Changes


  • Add allowed origins via cache control of portal.


Sep 27, 2023 Changes


July 7, 2023 Changes


Dec 8, 2022 Changes


June 23, 2022 Changes


Dec 30, 2021 Changes


  • Provide Viewers Location Traffic daily trend per country graph at Viewers Analytics page.
  • Provide Volume per ISP report in Advance Analytics.

Dec 9, 2021 Changes



  • New "Replace Certificate" Button in "Certificate Management" page, which can make certificate migration faster and easier.

Nov 4, 2021 Changes


  • New API v2.0 MultiOrigin supported for WSA, and the old WSA v1.0 APIs are deprecated.
  • Certificate Assign API now support override. now certificate update will be without perception.

Oct 26, 2021 Changes


  • MultiOrigin supported by WSA, can edit MultiOrigin and OriginHeaders in "Origin Contorl" in WSA page.
  • Fix HitRate & Origin data issue in Performance page.

June 30, 2021 Changes


  • Add 'Private' in Viewers country code.
  • Fix issue moved customer can not be seen at On/Off-Net page.

May 26, 2021 Changes


Nov 4, 2020 Changes


  • Add SwiftFederation->Operation->CDN->Audit.
  • Appliances page will not show deleted node with no usage.


Sep 17, 2020 Changes


  • Add CDN->Analytics->Http Codes Tab ->Mid-tier Http Codes chart area.
  • Add SwiftFederation->Operation->CDN->Grafana Domain tab for Grafana domain administration.


Jul 27, 2020 Changes


  • Add updating data area on cdn-->analytics-->usage tab when time range is last 24 hours or last 4 hours.
  • Add Partner->Business Usage->CDN->SSL Certificate tab.


  • Add new 'Create Purge' and 'List Purges' api for batch purge.
  • Add 'Get Customer Domain Bandwidth' api with input parameter of customer id and this api returns domain bandwidth.
  • Hide 'Get Viewers Location Hit Bandwidth' show 'Get Viewers Location Bandwidth' api.
  • Hide 'Get Viewers Location Hit Volume' show 'Get Viewers Location Volume' api.
  • Hide 'Get Viewers Location Hit Request' show 'Get Viewers Location Request' api.

Jun 18, 2020 Changes


  • Edit Domain
    It will use client protocol if pass 'same_as_client' and will not change origin protocol if pass null or do not pass this field.
  • Create Domain
    It will use client protocol if pass null or do not pass this field or pass 'same_as_client'.
  • List Domains
    'same_as_client' represents follow client.
  • Get Domain Details
    'same_as_client' represents follow client.
  • Optimize and improve performance of these api:
    Get Request Number
    Get Origin Bandwidth
    Get Origin Request Number
    Get Request Hit Rate
    Get Bandwidth

May 22, 2020 Changes


  • Add SSL expiration notification on Products->CDN->Certificate Management and by email.
  • Optimize SSL certificate binding of domain.
  • Add 95th Bandwidth on Products->CDN->Business Usage.
  • Add 'Mid-tier Volume' and 'Peak Bandwidth' columns on Business Usage->CDN->Usage tab.
  • Add advanced analytics settings.
  • Add trace id of logs for troubleshooting.

Mar 26, 2020 Changes


  • Add Most Popular Content tab on CDN analytics page.
  • Add Visitors tab on CDN analytics page.
  • Add opt-enable-x-cache for WSA and LFD

Open API:

Bug Fixes:

  • fix the error occurred replacing the certificate again
  • fix the query bug at the boundary for bandwidth and rps

Feb 27, 2020 Changes


  • Add referrer tab on CDN analytics page.
  • Fixed appliances volume calculation error.

Open API:

Jan 15, 2020 Changes


  • Add 'Origin SNI Override' checkbox for "Cache Control" page of WSA
  • Improve RPS data shown when query 2 months ago

Open API:

Dec 19, 2019 Changes


  • Add new report: user agent report.
  • Add mid-tier report data in "Analytics->Performance" tab
  • Fix no RPS data issue when query 2 months ago

Oct 17, 2019 Changes

Portal: Patch

  • Fix TTL issue when edit cache control policy.
  • Revise Streaming report typo(peakTime->Peak Time)
  • Improve WAF report URL display

Sep 23, 2019 Changes


  • HTTP/2 function is supported on portal.
  • WAF report is ok now for security customer.
  • Concurrent Viewers Report launch for QuickMedia partner.

Open API:

  • Domains API support HTTP/2 property.

Aug 28, 2019 Changes


  • Show every 30min interval for 'Last 24 Hours' Time Range, which is more smooth than 5min interval.
  • Provide on-net/off-net UI for Finance team.
  • Analytics ->cdn ->viewers (Partner View), can select date from Jan 1, 2019.
  • Revise the hint of 'Allowed Referers' according to CDN release

Open API:

  • Fix prefetch API show issue.

Aug 12, 2019 Changes


  • Remove 90 days start day limit on CDN Portal, allow start on 1 Jan, 2019.
  • Sort domain volume on "CDN->Usage->Traffic Usage".
  • Generate short name dynamically when customer created.
  • Improve Safari compatibility on Mac

Jun 5, 2019 Changes

Open API:

May 9, 2019 Changes


  • Add new 'Redirect Http To Https' parameter for Website Acceleration via portal.
  • Add new 'Redirect Http To Https' parameter for Large File Download via portal.

Open API:

Apr 12, 2019 Changes


  • Allow to add origin protocol via portal.
  • Allow to set customized port for origin website.

Open API:

Mar 12, 2019 Changes


  • Add Customer and domain traffic usage on fed portal.
  • Enchange SSL Certificate management on fed portal. Certificate name should be unique with readable characters.
  • Add CORS headers management on fed portal.
  • Add allowed referrers on portal under cache control on fed portal.

Open API:

Feb 15, 2019 Changes

Jan 18, 2019 Changes

Dec 28, 2018 Changes

Nov 23, 2018 Changes

  • Add VOD and live management under CDN portal.
  • Add http codes report for customers.
  • Add domain/lfd/vod/live search based on name.
  • Add domain/lfd/vod/live filter based on name.
  • Fix login issue when stay long on web browser.

Nov 9, 2018 Changes

           Updated 2024-08-26 07:42:13

results matching ""

    No results matching ""